

Classes: LKG - UKG

Promotion will be based on student's continuous progress in oral, written work, Class Work, Home Work, Projects, Unit Test, 1st Term and 2nd Term Exams.

Classes I – V

The students from these classes must secure Grade-D (33% marks) in each individual subject for being declared promoted to the next class.

Classes VI – X

The students from these classes must secure Grade-D (33% marks) for promotion to the next class. The final result will be calculated on the basis of the Periodic Tests, Internal Assessment and Annual Examination.

LKG-Std V Marks Range Grade Std. VI - Std X Grade Marks Range
90 and above A* 91 – 100
75 - 89 A 81 – 90
60 - 74 B 71 – 80
40 - 59 C 61 - 70
33 - 39 D 51 - 60
Below – 33 E 41 – 50