
Play Areas

Physical activity is an essential ingredient of a CBSEian's life. All children start the day with half an hour of PT. The well- qualified Physical Instruction teachers are always present to give tips and for coaching in all the sports, for example Basketball, Football, Badminton, Cricket etc. Interactions with other schools through sporting and cultural activities are a regular feature which help the children to bond with one another and develop leadership qualities. The school has scored very well in many sports events and also has organized many inter school matches. We have sent students abroad as well, to play in schools there, thus exposing our children to a wider spectrum in the field of sports. The vast playground is the arena for the Annual Sports Day for showcasing of talent in athletics.

NCC is compulsory in the senior classes and the School maintains a high standard of parade. In addition to these compulsory activities, each child also has the option to pursue a wide range of sporting activities, both as team games and as individual pursuits, within the school time-table. Specialized coaches are employed for various games with provision for quality equipment.